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Away we grow again

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Away we grow again Empty Away we grow again

Post  Cajun Cappy 5/19/2015, 1:52 pm

This weekend we mucked out our[url=#] garden boxAway we grow again Arrow-10x10[/url] and set it up for the summer season here is the picture filled post.


We are very excited try out a new hot weather crop that is just being discovered by our gardening friends here at home.  After reading a very good article from the Lsu ag Which is the go to garden source for south and central La.  Here is[url=#] the linkAway we grow again Arrow-10x10[/url] if ya want it.


This is a wonderful gardening and farming site and we use it alot.

Any ways I will be letting yall know how our asparagus beans do.  I love finding new things especially things that can survive in our summer steam bath.
Cajun Cappy
Cajun Cappy

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Age : 66
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Away we grow again Empty Re: Away we grow again

Post  sanderson 5/19/2015, 3:12 pm

Interest about the cauliflower protection. Do let us know how it works. At least the leaves are ventilated! Wink Poor Houdini, maybe build him (and the others) a small box to play in? I know I recommended this to someone else.


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Away we grow again Empty Re: Away we grow again

Post  Cajun Cappy 5/19/2015, 5:18 pm

LOL sanderson they have a whole jungley yard to play in its the small box I'm trying to keep em out of.  We are very excited to try the asparagus beans and cant wait to see how that works out.  We have lady bugs and assassin bugs fighting it out with aphids and other pest.  I hate to break out the old faithful sevin dust but am afraid I'm gonna hafta.
Cajun Cappy
Cajun Cappy

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Away we grow again Empty Re: Away we grow again

Post  Cajun Cappy 5/21/2015, 12:08 pm

I was thrilled this morning to find that almost al of the beans have sprouted.  Also this is the second day in a row Houdini kitty has not helped with the gardening in the box.  With birdy netting on top, Pipe tobacco sprinkled around the edges, and a large dose of seven dust to help with the leaf ventilation which has gotten serious.  Kitty has gone else where to play.  Or maybe it was the time we caught him climbing in and hit him with the jet spray from the hose.
Cajun Cappy
Cajun Cappy

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Away we grow again Empty Re: Away we grow again

Post  TCgardening 5/22/2015, 7:20 pm

We had the same thought, what can we grow in the intense summer heat. We tried the yard-long beans this year too. I can tell you they are slow to start after they sprout. Takes longer than regular types to get growing up the trellis. Once they do take off things get moving pretty fast. About the time they were blooming the hail storm cut most off at the ground. The ones that did survive grew 32 inch beans.  
They seemed to attract a lot of aphids compared to the Rattlesnake or Kentucky Wonders. 
I replanted and they are just starting to reach the trellis so we'll see how it goes.
Keep us posted on how they grow.

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Away we grow again Empty Re: Away we grow again

Post  yolos 5/22/2015, 9:21 pm

TCgardening wrote:  
They seemed to attract a lot of aphids compared to the Rattlesnake or Kentucky Wonders. 
Yep, the aphids love the yard long beans for some reason.  But the vegetable that attracts the aphids every time are the Pinkeye Purple Hull Peas.

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Away we grow again Empty Re: Away we grow again

Post  Cajun Cappy 5/23/2015, 11:40 am

The article on them at lsu-ag said they paused after sprouting to develop a big root system.  The aphids or something almost wiped out the cauliflour in one night.  It went from a few holes to turning the leaves on several plants to lace.  I hated to do it but I drug out the seven dust and gave the whole garden a good dusting.  it seems that all beans sprouted 12 on each 4 foot end.  I'll see if I can find the article. Again.

Cajun Cappy
Cajun Cappy

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Away we grow again Empty Re: Away we grow again

Post  Cajun Cappy 5/29/2015, 2:23 pm

Well it appears the cauliflower trick maghta woulda worked if the bugs hadn't ate the leaves into lace that the sun could pass through.  I drug out the seven dust and it seems to have stopped the bugs but the cauliflower all turned yellow.  made some nice big heads though so it appears to be partially successful.  I'll let yall know how they taste tomorrow.
Cajun Cappy
Cajun Cappy

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Age : 66
Location : South Louisiana zone 10


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