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Planting bulbs in frozen soil OR the joys of procrastination Toplef10Planting bulbs in frozen soil OR the joys of procrastination 1zd3ho10

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Planting bulbs in frozen soil OR the joys of procrastination I22gcj10Planting bulbs in frozen soil OR the joys of procrastination 14dhcg10


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Planting bulbs in frozen soil OR the joys of procrastination Toplef10Planting bulbs in frozen soil OR the joys of procrastination 1zd3ho10

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Planting bulbs in frozen soil OR the joys of procrastination I22gcj10Planting bulbs in frozen soil OR the joys of procrastination 14dhcg10

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Planting bulbs in frozen soil OR the joys of procrastination

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Planting bulbs in frozen soil OR the joys of procrastination Empty Planting bulbs in frozen soil OR the joys of procrastination

Post  Judy McConnell 12/14/2014, 11:48 am

Got my garlic, etc in on time but then the rains and s&*w began and the spring flowering bulbs didn't get into the beds.  Let's be honest, the new bulb bed NEVER got made Mad !

Today it was sunny and reasonably warm (low 50s) so I decided to plant the bulbs, marking the sqs I put them in so they could be moved when the flower bed was built (next spring/summer??).  

Hmmmm, 3 inches down the soil was frozen (you've got to be kidding Rolling Eyes ) Was able to plant 5 squares before my hands gave out from the cold.

Maybe I can finish planting the bulbs tomorrow (after my hands thaw out Twisted Evil)
Judy McConnell
Judy McConnell

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Age : 84
Location : Manassas, VA(7a) and Riner, VA (7a)

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Planting bulbs in frozen soil OR the joys of procrastination Empty Re: Planting bulbs in frozen soil OR the joys of procrastination

Post  audrey.jeanne.roberts 12/14/2014, 11:55 am

You did better than I did a couple of years ago - I left them out on the patio table in the box and planted them in the spring.  Needless to say those bulbs didn't fare particularly well!

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Planting bulbs in frozen soil OR the joys of procrastination Empty Re: Planting bulbs in frozen soil OR the joys of procrastination

Post  donnainzone5 12/14/2014, 1:00 pm

Yesterday, I visited a local nursery (now there are FOUR of them within a mile or so of my house) to purchase some poinsettias.

As I was checking out at the cash register, another customer asked the cashier whether she could still plant bulbs.  I jumped in and said, "Probably not."

The cashier, however, disagreed and told the lady that she could, as long as the ground wasn't yet frozen. 

When I got home, I checked my boxes and beds; yep, even the surfaces were frozen solid  

It's been 23F the last two mornings.

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Planting bulbs in frozen soil OR the joys of procrastination Empty Re: Planting bulbs in frozen soil OR the joys of procrastination

Post  martha 12/14/2014, 7:24 pm

They say if you can dig, you can plant, but 3 inches isn't very deep! I bet some will make it just fine, though. And I have planted bulbs in pretty cold soil before.
 lots o 
Only I might not have been looking so cheerful.

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Planting bulbs in frozen soil OR the joys of procrastination Empty Re: Planting bulbs in frozen soil OR the joys of procrastination

Post  Judy McConnell 12/15/2014, 1:11 pm

The past two days have been in the 50s so the soil thawed and the bulbs FINALLY went in this am - ALL of them Rolling Eyes  The two involved beds have been mulched and we'll see what happens by spring.
Judy McConnell
Judy McConnell

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Location : Manassas, VA(7a) and Riner, VA (7a)

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Planting bulbs in frozen soil OR the joys of procrastination Empty Re: Planting bulbs in frozen soil OR the joys of procrastination

Post  camprn 12/15/2014, 1:53 pm

I have a package of grape hyacinths that I didn't get into the ground. I'll pot them up and force them into bloom for February.


43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


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