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A Serious Complaint about this Forum Empty A Serious Complaint about this Forum

Post  Kelejan 5/21/2014, 10:38 am

I have a very serious complaint about this Forum because at times it is making me into a virtual gardener.

There are so many interesting articles and wonderful helpful people here that I spend far too much time here instead of getting out and getting my hands dirty.
I run out of time, my housework does not get done, I stay on the computer going from link to link, reading all the fascinating information I find, and watching how-to videos and soaking up all the information that I never knew about, and so it goes on.

How on earth I ever managed to do a full-time job and kept the house tidy and DH fed and happy, I'll never know.  But of course I do know, it is because gardening used to be: mow the lawn, plant a few flowers and keep the place tidy.

Now it is a whole new way of living, connecting with the soil, trying to bring it back to life, growing proper food and hoping for a surplus so as to share, helping the bees and other insects, and being thankful for every moment I have.

My conclusion: thanks SFG and this spinoff Forum and all the lovely people here. BIG hug

P.S. I am now off to plant my tomatoes as it is May 21st, our first official frost-free date.

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Post  FeedMeSeeMore 5/21/2014, 10:56 am

I agree and was wondering if anyone else had noticed this problem. This SFG thing and the forum has awakened a sleeping gardening beast in me.
Hanging over my veggie kids when I'm not online picking up "parenting" tips and all.
What a life, eh? Wink
(And, good luck with your 'maters!)

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Post  Jmichelle 5/21/2014, 11:10 am

I have had the same issues with this forum! It's downright addictive, and the people on this forum are aweful....ly nice and helpful.  This book along with the forum has provided invaluable information. Thanks everyone!

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Post  llama momma 5/21/2014, 11:36 am

Thank you Kalejan for exposing what  is probably more common than we want to admit.  I thought this was my dirty little secret and no one else's. It's this incessant library of info and fun right at our fingertips!  For awhile I resorted to turning off the laptop and and put it up on a high shelf.  But then came Mothers Day and my first smartphone, its so easy to fall off the wagon with the phone, email, texts, internet, and forums all in one.  We must commit to discipline! 
llama momma
llama momma

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Post  AtlantaMarie 5/21/2014, 12:40 pm

Oh, no, LM!  NOT the "D" word...!  sigh...

Yeah, DH has been complaining about how much time I spend on here too.  If he only knew...

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Post  lyndeeloo 5/21/2014, 2:45 pm

So its finally out in the open now! Thank God, all that sneaking around and trying to hide it was getting exhausting. 

"No dear, just checking my email" or "Answering a text, be right there" has been my reply to the question "Are you on that gardening website AGAIN?"

Against my wishes and my better judgement, I received a smart phone for Christmas. I thought I would never use it. Well, I admit it, I WAS WRONG. My niece started texting me and then I learned how to get to the SFG Forum on it. Now I'm reading the topics several times a day to keep up with all the new posts.

Just not enough time in the day to do things NOT related to my garden. Housework, what's that? No time for that until after the garden is all planted. The dogs are shedding and the hair in the house is getting so bad. When I opened all the windows up this morning, the dog hair rolled down the hall like a tumbleweed in the breeze.

Oh, By the way, is dog hair ok to put in the compost pile? I could use the excuse if it is!

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Post  camprn 5/21/2014, 3:03 pm

lyndeeloo wrote: By the way, is dog hair ok to put in the compost pile?



43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


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Post  Marc Iverson 5/21/2014, 5:41 pm

I think the secret to solving this problem is something I would never do unless in mortal danger -- wake up extra early and get your chores out of the way before you have time to put them off!

But nah ... Very Happy
Marc Iverson
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Post  plantoid 5/21/2014, 5:58 pm

I must confess that this last few years since getting stuck in as ANSFG'ing.  It has seen me almost bin the TV , radio and several other internet social groups that took up my life . I suppose it is termed filing a vacuum in my life with something better .....it's taken over ..

 I've restarted to make my own sausages & salami , started up hot & cold food smoking , various other preserving ways.

I've had an abundance of decent fresh veg , though am a bit miffed that because of the blood clots I've recently had inside me  & Warfarin treatment for the rest of my life that  I have to ease up on the greens that have high to moderate levels of vitamin K in them for I could honestly eat a massive plate of cabbages ,. kales ( the highest one ) green onions ( spring onions ??? ...white Lisbon's ??? ) & Lollo Rosso type red lettuce .

I've made literally hundreds of physical new acquaintances collecting thing for the SFG'ing off Free Cyclers in the locality  and of course I've gained lots of internet friends.

 The site has certainly helped me re stretch my mind , it will never go back to what it was before it all happened  ...that's for sure

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Post  AtlantaMarie 5/22/2014, 8:59 am

lyndeeloo wrote:So its finally out in the open now! Thank God, all that sneaking around and trying to hide it was getting exhausting. 

"No dear, just checking my email" or "Answering a text, be right there" has been my reply to the question "Are you on that gardening website AGAIN?"

Me too!  Should we start another support group?

Wish I had started my compost pile when we had our 3 huskies!  When I brushed them outside on a windy day, it looked like it was snowing...

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Post  donnainzone5 5/22/2014, 12:48 pm

Cat hair is good, too.

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Post  lyndeeloo 5/22/2014, 1:15 pm

Thanks Camprn!  Now I have a very good reason for letting the dog hair gather a bit. I'm not a bad housekeeper, I am a conscientious composter! Let's see how that excuse works out!

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Post  AtlantaMarie 5/22/2014, 2:03 pm

(snicker!)  Yeah, Lyndeeloo...  Lemme know how that turns out...

Who knows?  Maybe he'll buy it...

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Post  recoush 5/22/2014, 8:13 pm

YES, it awful that all the people on the Forum are so helpful and nice! 
and their are many wonderful ideas, Now go forth and plant 

I finally did plant my Raised bed as a SFG my 8x6 has plants in all quadrants except the 4 in the middle will post a picture soon used orange marking string and a lot of screws  Very Happy 

btw the towel rolls worked great they are decomposing in  a good way and wet :>) 

so start saving those towel rolls for next year and use my new method and save money not buying pots Shameless boast.
  A Serious Complaint about this Forum 3170584802 

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Post  donnainzone5 5/22/2014, 8:39 pm


Can you actually reach the inner squares in an 8' x 6'?  Just wondering.

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Post  Goosegirl 5/22/2014, 9:08 pm

lyndeeloo wrote:... The dogs are shedding and the hair in the house is getting so bad. When I opened all the windows up this morning, the dog hair rolled down the hall like a tumbleweed in the breeze.

Oh, By the way, is dog hair ok to put in the compost pile? I could use the excuse if it is!

 rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl 

Before I even got to the bottom of your post I was thinking "Put it in the compost!"

 rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl 


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Post  Goosegirl 5/22/2014, 9:15 pm

donnainzone10 wrote:Cat hair is good, too.

DANG!!! Mine are Hairless!

A Serious Complaint about this Forum Pebble11


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Post  Kelejan 5/23/2014, 12:22 am

I am happy that I am not alone with my complaint.  Thank you for all your support.

What do the following words/phrases have in common?

A serious complaint
a sleeping gardening beast
dirty little secrets
fall off wagon
commit to discipline
sneaking around
what's housework?
dog hair
wake up extra early
filling a vacuum in my life
massive plates of cabbages
support group
cat hair
start saving towel rolls
hairless cats

It is interesting what comes up in a discussion of one subject. Very Happy

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Post  recoush 5/23/2014, 6:13 am

donnainzone10 wrote:recoush,

Can you actually reach the inner squares in an 8' x 6'?  Just wondering.

Yes to the extent that 4 squares in the center diagonaly technically are too Far.
could just reach them but would be a real akward. With the way  i ran the string lines two feet all around for 3- 4 rows are accessible.

but the last 4-5 squares near the middle would have to lay a board or some thing to lean on  Smile 

will try to post a picture, later if i am back in the day light maybe i need to plant some garlic  Very Happy 

on side note any one ever find a good way to keep Squarrels out of the Garden. digging up dirt in search of food i use crushed pepper and garlic tubes but not fool proof.

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Post  Denese 5/23/2014, 7:14 am

For me, bird netting seems to work well. Very Happy

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Post  sanderson 5/23/2014, 2:49 pm

GG, Do you knit little sweaters for them for your cold winters?  Very Happy 

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Post  camprn 5/23/2014, 5:01 pm

This forum takes up way, way too much of my time!


43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


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Post  Goosegirl 5/23/2014, 9:01 pm

sanderson wrote:GG,  Do you knit little sweaters for them for your cold winters?   Very Happy 

No, but my Boy Cat has claimed my homemade down lap throw.  It is just the perfect size to fit my side of the bed from my neck down just past my feet (I am only 4'11").  Every night he hops on middle of the bed and waits for me to lift the side of the comforter for him!  My Girl Cat (the one pictured earlier) naps during the day in a felted wool kitty bed I knitted.  


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Post  Marc Iverson 5/23/2014, 10:38 pm

Goosegirl wrote:Every night he hops on middle of the bed and waits for me to lift the side of the comforter for him!  


That's cute! I love it when pets have that sort of unspoken communication with you.
Marc Iverson
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Post  sanderson 5/24/2014, 1:28 am

camprn wrote:This forum takes up way, way too much of my time!


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