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Hello from Iowa I22gcj10Hello from Iowa 14dhcg10


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Hello from Iowa Toplef10Hello from Iowa 1zd3ho10

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Hello from Iowa I22gcj10Hello from Iowa 14dhcg10

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Hello from Iowa

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Hello from Iowa Empty Hello from Iowa

Post  abyssa 4/29/2014, 11:52 am

Hello everyone! I live in the center of Iowa. I had a small raised vege bed in my last house but I didn't use it to it's full potential. I still had tremendous weeding because I didn't know about Mel's mix. My yields were small, I ended up frustrated by the weeds, and I ended up just growing tomato and chives. Very disheartening. I started my SFG last year at my new house. I have enjoyed the quick de-weeding process and great growing crops! I planted on a cement slab and it worked pretty well. I had to modify my SFG so they are 8X2. This way, I can trellis eight items and still reach for de-weeding and watering. The item that didn't produce were the brussel sprouts. I will say for the first time I was able to grow green/red peppers! I also had to devise a way to tower my tomato plants that weren't next to the trellis. I ended up using a bungee cord between the tomato stalk and the wood from the squares. It kept the tomatoes upright.
This year, I am devising a watering system that will go in the center of the square so it will be even easier yet! I have already re-composted and am ready to plant! I want to grow more that require a trellis. I replaced my garden fence (rabbit deterrent) from using a green plastic snow fence to chicken wire. The new fence is more stable and less heavy. Now, I am going to plant my snow peas and beans so they can use the fence as their trellis.
Wish everyone a happy and hearty growing season!

Posts : 3
Join date : 2014-04-29
Location : Iowa

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Hello from Iowa Empty Re: Hello from Iowa

Post  grownsunshine 4/29/2014, 12:04 pm

Abyssa - sounds like you're well on your way to a fruitful harvest. I'm glad you discovered SFG and didn't give up after your first attempt. I discovered roasted brussel sprouts...yummy, so I looked up growing them. I read they like cooler weather. I'll try growing them in the fall. Wishing you a great growing season too!

Posts : 255
Join date : 2013-05-22
Location : So Cal: Zone 10a

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Hello from Iowa Empty Re: Hello from Iowa

Post  AtlantaMarie 4/29/2014, 1:04 pm

Hi Abyssa.  Glad you joined us!

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Age : 61
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Hello from Iowa Empty Re: Hello from Iowa

Post  sanderson 4/29/2014, 1:22 pm

Abyssa,  Welcome to the Forum!  glad you\'re here    Your beds are on a cement slab which is a testament to Mel's Mix and how weeding becomes a minor gardening chore.  It also puts to rest the question of whether plants need deep dirt to grow. Please post photos of your interesting garden. We love photos.

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Hello from Iowa Empty Re: Hello from Iowa

Post  Dara 4/30/2014, 8:03 pm

happy hi 
Hi Abyssa...I live just outside of Newton...where are you??  My grandson and I built two 4'X4' beds this month...they are in my yard...I have had several neighbors stop and seem very supportive. I have one end with a 4' tall copper trellis for cucumbers, a short white picket fence for my peas to climb, and green rubber/plastic coated rabbit fencing around the beds to keep the bunnies out.

I also have two 3' diameter X 3' tall black composting tubes in my front yard flower bed...they are serving this year as potato planters! I plan to disguise them with some antique garden gates planted with a vining plant of some kind...perhaps morning glories or sweet peas IF it ever quits raining!! 

So far, I have planted radishes, peas and spinach..which are all up and looking a tad soggy right now. I also have broccoli and brussel sprouts in milk jug greenhouses to set out when this rain lets up.

Female Posts : 12
Join date : 2014-03-03
Location : Newton, Iowa; zone 4B-5A

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Hello from Iowa Empty Re: Hello from Iowa

Post  catbranch 5/1/2014, 12:39 am

Hi Abyssa! Welcome aboard!


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Hello from Iowa Empty Re: Hello from Iowa

Post  abyssa 5/3/2014, 9:43 pm

Hi everyone! thanks for all the wonderful greetings! Hope everyone has a great growing season.

Dara, I actually live in WDM. We are not far from one another! I had the green fencing around my garden last year. This year I opted to go metal and got chicken wire to surround the garden beds. it looks nicer and I hope to use it to trellis my beans and snow peas.

I will post pictures soon!!

Posts : 3
Join date : 2014-04-29
Location : Iowa

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