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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Toplef10I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book 1zd3ho10

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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book I22gcj10I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book 14dhcg10


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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Toplef10I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book 1zd3ho10

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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book I22gcj10I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book 14dhcg10

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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book

Marc Iverson
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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Empty I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book

Post  melatops 2/17/2014, 7:29 pm

Hello everyone,
I just bought the last edition of the Square foot gardening book, on my Kindle and much to my surprise I am not able to read the planting schedules that are in the back of the book because they are so small and they is no way to enlarge them with the Kindle
I was wondering if anyone of you knew where I can find the planting schedules.
I bought the book just for this reason as I knew everything else and I already have finished building the boxes.
Thank you,

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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Empty Re: I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book

Post  camprn 2/17/2014, 7:51 pm

You can view your kindle book on your computer and make the font larger.



43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book WxBanner?bannertype=wu_clean2day_cond&airportcode=KEEN&ForcedCity=Keene&ForcedState=NH&zipcode=03431&language=EN

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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Empty Re: I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book

Post  walshevak 2/17/2014, 8:29 pm

And once you have bought a kindle book you can load it to any kindle or kindle app you have at no extra charge.  I have a kindle, kindle on 2 pc's and on my phone.  



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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Empty Re: I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book

Post  Marc Iverson 2/20/2014, 9:11 pm

You can enlarge the font on any kindle. I read in an enlarged font on mine. Go to Settings and you'll find a font section.
Marc Iverson
Marc Iverson

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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Empty Re: I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book

Post  camprn 2/20/2014, 9:19 pm

Marc Iverson wrote:You can enlarge the font on any kindle.   I read in an enlarged font on mine.  Go to Settings and you'll find a font section.


43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book WxBanner?bannertype=wu_clean2day_cond&airportcode=KEEN&ForcedCity=Keene&ForcedState=NH&zipcode=03431&language=EN

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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Empty Re: I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book

Post  gwennifer 2/22/2014, 1:05 pm

Marc Iverson wrote:You can enlarge the font on any kindle.   I read in an enlarged font on mine.  Go to Settings and you'll find a font section.
I don't have the ebook version of the ANSFG book, so can't verify this, but don't you suppose the planting schedules would be pictures (graphics) rather than text, and therefore unaffected by font size changes? If so, the question would be how to enlarge the pictures.

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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Empty Reading tables on Kindle

Post  reservoir 2/22/2014, 6:58 pm

Gwennifer is right.  NO matter how many adjustments you make to the fonts it does not change a thing as the tables are not in text mode.  But...

you can improve on readability, I've just checked on mine.
Three ways:
1)  read on full screen: not enough on its own  but helps;
2) lower the brightness of the page ( go into View to do This)
3) set the background page colour to black;

Finally you will need to  do  this whether you have a tablet, laptop or PC.  I tried both my tablet and laptop.I prefer to read the schedules o9n my laptop.

I hope this helps.

Christine       happy hi

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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Empty Amazon has very good customer service

Post  Windmere 2/23/2014, 10:40 am

If all else fails, call the company that sold you the e-book.  If it was Amazon (the company I deal with), let them know that you are unhappy with viewing images on your e-book and that this is unacceptable.  I can pretty much guarantee they will refund your money and remove the book from your device.  Amazon customer service phone number is:  1-866-216-1072.  After this, you can purchase the physical copy of the book.  Right now, on Amazon, the physical book is $14.12.

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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Empty Re: I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book

Post  CapeCoddess 2/23/2014, 12:29 pm

Does anyone know if there is an SFG planting schedule on line somewhere? If not would it be kosher to scan one and sticky it on this forum?  For members only of course.


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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Empty Re: I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book

Post  camprn 2/23/2014, 2:39 pm

CC a planting schedule is going to be region specific. Perhaps I'm not understanding what you need.


43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book WxBanner?bannertype=wu_clean2day_cond&airportcode=KEEN&ForcedCity=Keene&ForcedState=NH&zipcode=03431&language=EN

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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Empty Re: I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book

Post  boffer 2/23/2014, 3:14 pm

The planting schedules in the back of the book are based on knowing one's first and last frost dates. We're on our own after that!

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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Empty Re: I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book

Post  CapeCoddess 2/23/2014, 3:44 pm

the OP can't read the planting schedule in the back of the Kindle book. I wondered if we were allowed to post the planting schedule from the book so they can insert their own frost date and know when to plant. 

(of course my tablet wants the posters to insert their prostate hahaha.)


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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Empty Re: I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book

Post  sanderson 2/23/2014, 4:03 pm

CapeCoddess wrote:

(of course my tablet wants the posters to insert their prostate hahaha.)



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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Empty Thank you to everyone has responded

Post  melatops 2/23/2014, 10:03 pm

I would like to thank everyone that has responded to my question.  I have since been able to find the planting schedules online.... but what means the most to me is,  all the responses and support.  I am new to gardening and to SFG and I cannot believe what an awesome forum this is..... You guys rock! Very Happy

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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Empty Re: I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book

Post  boffer 2/23/2014, 10:06 pm

Actually, you kinda snuck in on us, so let me be the first to say welcome to the forum.

It's going to be a great summer for gardening in the PNW.  (I hope!)

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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Empty Re: I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book

Post  FamilyGardening 2/23/2014, 10:18 pm

melatops wrote:I would like to thank everyone that has responded to my question.  I have since been able to find the planting schedules online.... but what means the most to me is,  all the responses and support.  I am new to gardening and to SFG and I cannot believe what an awesome forum this is..... You guys rock! Very Happy

ya  cheers another PNWer!!

welcome to the forum!

since you are from the Seattle area I wanted to suggest a link to the Seattle Seed co
......on their web site they sale seeds and such for our area, but they also have a great planting guide that you can either click on the month by month planting guide or the fall season planting.....it will give you an idea of what to plant in that month....I have found it pretty cool to use....I have also bought some seeds from them, but I can not give any update yet on how well they will preform as this is the first year to use them.....anyway thought you might like taking a peek at their website  Very Happy 


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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Empty Re: I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book

Post  sanderson 2/23/2014, 10:34 pm

Yes, Welcome to the Forum!  glad you\'re here 

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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Empty Re: I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book

Post  Marc Iverson 2/23/2014, 10:45 pm

All pictures can be blown up, and the tables are treated as pictures.

I own the ANSFG book on kindle.  I read it on the littlest kindle they make, the kindle 4.1.1, the one which came out right before the Kindle Touch.  I was just now blowing up my tables in the back of the book to double check.  It works fine.

My kindle uses a five-way switch to select.  Hitting the bottom of the square button is akin to hitting a down arrow on a computer.  It advances the cursor.  Doing so when at the top of a page when a picture comes next selects the picture.

Here are the steps to blowing up your pictures on kindle:

1.  Use five-way switch or other kindle equivalent (not all models have that switch, but all have a mechanism that allows you to select words and pictures) to move the cursor down to select the table/picture.  Usually you will see a bolded border on the picture to show that it has been selected.

2.  Hit the center of the five-way switch to enlarge the picture.  This will fill the screen with the picture.

3.  Hit the center button again to enlarge further.  My choices are:
a.  fit-to-width
b.  150%
c.  200%
d.  300%
e.  actual size

Note increasing sizes of pictures may blow the picture up so much that you only see a tiny part of it.

3.  Once the picture has been blown up, you will be taken to the top left of the picture.  Selecting any of the size choices detailed in #2 above enables incremental scrolling through the picture.  It can be scrolled through incrementally by hitting any of the sides of the five-way switch to control for direction of scrolling.  That is, hit the right side of the button to move right, etc.  The incremental movement up and down the page is not very granular, as it would be if one were using a dial or a touch-sensitive screen.  For those who are using touch-sensitive screens, you may move through blown-up pictures more easily.  I can't recall; I only had a kindle fire for a little while.  But for regular non-fire kindles, you will move about in large steps.

Note:  Not all pictures allow all the size increases detailed in #2 above.  I have seen some pictures with only one or two magnification choices.

4.  Pictures will blow up to different sizes depending on whether you have your kindle in landscape or portrait mode.  If you try to blow up a picture that is wider than it is long while your kindle is in portrait mode, the edges of the picture will meet the edges of your screen very quickly.  The picture will not get very big, and scrolling through it will be very cumbersome.  Consider temporarily re-orienting your kindle to match the orientation of any photos you would like to examine more closely.
Marc Iverson
Marc Iverson

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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Empty Re: I cannot read the planting schedules at the back of kindle

Post  reservoir 2/24/2014, 8:34 pm

Thanks Mark for your clear explanation.  
I followed your explanation step by step: it works for pictures and words, but when I try the tables in the appendix of the book it does not work. 

Even the zoom option is deselected in the menu.  The only options I have available are: changing size of font, words page per line, brightness and colour of background.

Tomorrow I will be calling the Kindle team ,
Sorry if I mislead anyone.


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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Empty Re: I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book

Post  Marc Iverson 2/25/2014, 1:39 am

The zoom options I was referring to do not come up in the menu. They are specific to blowing up stuff without using any of the buttons besides the selection button (five-way), once a chart is properly selected(it's not enough just to be on the right page), which brings up a set of on-screen buttons at the bottom of the screen.

It is most likely that there is either something wrong with your kindle, or you are doing something wrong.

In the appendix at the end where you can't blow anything up, I was looking at the table entitled "Planting Schedule for Fall Crops," which is toward the back of the appendix before writing my previous post. It enlarged fine. I tried it again just now, and it blew up fine again.

So I went to the front of the appendix and found the first chart. It is entitled "Vegetables." I selected it, then enlarged it. I then hit the center of my five-way switch to enlarge it again, and was given the choices 150%, 200%, 300% and "actual size."

I did see one tricky thing -- you have to move the cursor right past where it says At a Glance and directly onto the chart titled Vegetables itself. A bold border then surrounds it, like an outline, to show that it is selectable. At that point, you can hit the center of the five-way switch or use whatever is used on your model of kindle to select the entire chart at once. It blows up, and hitting the center of the five-way switch gives you your choices for further enlargement.

The trickier thing than selecting is that you can't use your normal page back and page forward buttons to advance the chart, at least on my model. You must page down by using the five-way cursor itself. Just as the left and right sides of the square five-way switch take you left and right in the chart, the top and bottom sides take you down through the chart. You can go through page after page that way.

Final test: In the Appendix, under Planting Charts: the chart titled "Germination Times and Temperatures."

Both Planting Charts, at the top of the page, and "Germination Times and Temperatures" undre it, are treated as their own selectable objects. The chart itself is the third thing the down-cursor can land on. When my cursor landed on it, the chart got the dark outline around it, showing it was selectable. I had no trouble blowing it up.

But ... if I take my cursor one more move down, without selecting the chart itself, the cursor then rests on the first word in the chart: "This". At that point your selection point lies in the text itself, and the chart is no longer selectable because you are actually inside the chart.

For what it's worth, I was reading the ANSFG book both on a kindle fire and on my kindle 4.1, and blew up charts without fail on both of them. I am confident that you will be able to do it too. If there is nothing wrong with your kindle, then I would guess you might not be selecting the pictures/tables properly. I had problems blowing up stuff too, when I first got my kindle, and that's the reason why -- I wasn't selecting properly. It can be a bit confusing at first. Stick with it.
Marc Iverson
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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Empty Re: I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book

Post  melatops 2/26/2014, 12:45 pm

Thank you Marc, I think you are right, I have to play with the settings.

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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Empty Re: I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my kindle book.

Post  reservoir 3/5/2014, 10:59 am

Sorry to bring this up again.

If you are like me and use your PC or an android to read your KIndle books,  you might not have a five-way controller.

I rang Amazon for help   as I could not find the five-way controller function after looking through the user manual and through the functions displayed.

Amazon said although some PC have all functions other only have most. 
1) suggestion:  use four cursors:  I did: mine control page turning.
2) if you have the facility it will probably appear in the Aa listing where you will have an additional function comparable to the five way controller.  unfortunately  I don't.

For Androids without a five way controller, it is expected that you use the touch screen to enlarge tables by swiping your fingers.
When my tablet returns from hospital I will try. Maybe if it passes away I can get a brand new Kindle with its very own five way controller. Twisted Evil 


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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Empty Re: I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book

Post  gwennifer 3/5/2014, 11:49 am

Christine I'm sorry you're having so many troubles. I think the point was that the tables (pictures) are treated differently than the text (fonts) no matter what device you're viewing them on. Marc described the process for enlarging pics on a Kindle but you're right, that wouldn't be the same on an android tablet. On my Samsung tablet, I select a picture by touching it once and then use my finger and thumb in a diagonal motion to enlarge it. However, I haven't tried that with a picture inside of my Kindle reading app yet. Has anyone else? My tablet is currently out of commission...

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I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book Empty Re: I cannot read the planting schedule on the back of my Kindle book

Post  Marc Iverson 3/5/2014, 2:46 pm

I used the usual Android-type selection features, as described by gwennifer, to enlarge the both pictures and tables on the Kindle Fire tablet I used to have. The Kindle Fire uses an Android system, modified in-house for their Fire tablets. Every reading app, on the kindle or not, will have selection features of one sort or another. A five-way switch is just one version specific to the kindle 4.1 machine, but not specific to nor necessary for the full use of kindle books themselves.
Marc Iverson
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