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SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant! - Page 3 Toplef10SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant! - Page 3 1zd3ho10

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SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant!

Marc Iverson
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SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant! - Page 3 Empty Re: SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant!

Post  dstack 11/12/2015, 8:02 am

sanderson wrote:hungry  Looks soooo good.  I'm looking forward to your care package.
I mailed it USPS First Class on Monday.  Perhaps early next week you should get it.  Please let me know.  Enjoy!   Very Happy

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SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant! - Page 3 Empty Re: SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant!

Post  sanderson 11/12/2015, 1:21 pm

Roger that.


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SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant! - Page 3 Empty Re: SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant!

Post  sanderson 11/13/2015, 8:39 pm

Got them today and in good shape!  Thank you so much! SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant! - Page 3 Dstack10


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SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant! - Page 3 Empty Re: SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant!

Post  dstack 11/13/2015, 9:15 pm

sanderson wrote:Got them today and in good shape!  Thank you so much! SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant! - Page 3 Dstack10
Great!  I hope it all does well for you.  I can't thank you enough for your help on so many of my posts.  (And thank you to many other helpful forum members as well!)

Enjoy!   Very Happy

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SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant! - Page 3 Empty Re: SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant!

Post  martha 11/14/2015, 11:44 am

And they all lived happily ever after!

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SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant! - Page 3 Empty Re: SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant!

Post  sanderson 6/5/2016, 1:56 pm

Dstack,  I wanted to give you an update.  The starts dampened off.   Sad  But, here are photos of the Amaranth, Homestead tomato and Thai Golden melon:  I definitely want to grow more amaranth, one leaf at a sitting just doesn't cut it! I had to wait for these 2 squares to free up before I could direct sow 6 seeds. Four (4) came up today. Darn, can't find the photo of homestead but it has been in the tomato lineups I have previously posted. SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant! - Page 3 Amaran10
SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant! - Page 3 Muskme10


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SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant! - Page 3 Empty Re: SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant!

Post  dstack 6/6/2016, 9:42 am

Your amaranth is looking beautiful, and just wait 'til the vibrant flamingo pink colors spring out the top.  I look forward to further updates as things progress.  Is the longevity spinach doing ok?  I've been giving plants to neighbors left and right. 

A quick update here:  I started solarizing box 1 of 3 last weekend, and I started #2 yesterday.  Although, the wood has all rotted.  I thought with the linseed oil, the wood would last longer than 2 1/2 years. I'll replace the wood, and have this plastic cover stapled to the wood perimeter wood that is connected to the cinder block. But that wood will need to be replaced too after this solarizing.  I may look into using a composite in the next 2 years.  

SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant! - Page 3 GRftEaDIKnV2o82JcqOKEl5snMe5TVV692cmkfyrBbjAmi87mkLtJC4a74-VNVdstdI3ErbCcWdXuoeJcTMRJlYodCmwEr5QmCLW6oR_KiPUBQJHZxRFppY8V6tw5fFsedhrvxT6LaxGJD74P0IqPhtz7Au8RRWSKyccWWGVifkL62BEQJ105-v_aMC9a4pvBE9k4-sCvcDeyXcjWCV7dyvatr7IPDzcZLE_SMdzSpqE2UF1dBtc9x9xN9QfaiZ7ku4oYHkIv5G9GGznGSiliShDiPsCXyMiojWEUinXvsvSrlIZkgygjzJAQy19YN1l4QHMWiCcUYshU-tw57WwH4oMsOn9RP7DuYlwkqzcm_gqWVAmsVcsaD2Dn5dAygVrsgWpG4DoYoync32BZuOF7VvN_3X3nVLZk_hvaRtielZDAKZLUrnlbVGP7wQC11XT4xqG2GqCo3Ls_89O8DzC8g7iDA9BeYklPTwrOx4Vc3BO03gSOqM-uG-bwOAzQf2ShdzlWKLv3-YGuFqbbmNBYRZxYbtDpmNq4XXFWKJlT6gRjL2EXOSQpFJIv-1djuRJ4Kg6IUXYkLwe0ujubQz2g0hD4waWzBM=w1421-h799-no

Also, my eggplant "trees" have been a huge success.  I've got three varieties grafted to Turkey Berry: Florida Market, Ping Tung, and Rosa Bianca, although the Florida one is the only one mature enough to produce.  The Italian one isn't actually compatible with Turkey Berry, but it is compatible with Florida Market, which I have plenty of on the root stock.  I love it!   Laughing
SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant! - Page 3 Vb5XFDC_J7fUoGZJJDaiw5xAlZm-C66PW9mh7Go7kUXBVnp8ouWzF49TPbRX1XKSfbKpFKDzrZ8ndGfSXqxbOOJUUHi5zDKikiqwLRm7AE4fIGG-_aZRBcfXIK2KH_Q8y9l5vhGEMCwvFzBxoAhneJc8NMPNb_oekU3BYamkIomEF87fneDJz62RBz6WJlaZ_TTZsmCSu3yuvs1yE_zdobImX0hvAtpq81zl2xkNkrnWczDuLAShwq5Yw2v1EPQ5hz3Z6Yw7DBiJnGoTYBxpoT1Z6rWNce61A6r0ioFAviCpWYdaZ-_yC2fBlfuzIXERLGXmQWbLe_P5YkEVkowTfM3SifvdCu1KicNcvR6lnEcnKm3mzDil_LmmDfv4_u3vX8Cxwl9NrrJ3gaJWkQzTwtrz8mg8OhZ3IIRr35ivqs_mzzl_8bDYBoUpUL6Uz5ifv7WZBJ8DVF08JrdoksHKY7JjfAEN0pJMCc__9dfoogyY2arzxaOAmbYmWHHRqKiv7s1UlIVGeNbVvw4XHai0AvlYTmDOG1QpuIC6TwbgxiXAQGF0Kv0xEIVxVg39Ep7bsF2wKOJBhEMwHcqgD2za6tXzs7Kglqc=w450-h799-no

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SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant! - Page 3 Empty Re: SOS! Bleach water drained in my yard and is killing my papaya plant!

Post  sanderson 6/6/2016, 5:14 pm

The longevity spinach are the ones that dampened off. Sad I'm surprised that your wood is already rotting, considering it is set on raised concrete coffins. You and I have opposite climate, mine is so dry and yours is so wet. If we could have looked into the future, you could have leveled the outer perimeter and used concrete clocks to form the beds. Composite may be the only way you can go for longevity. As for eggplant, I found the rather rare Japanese Millionaire seeds this spring and the 3 plants in pots are doing beautifully. Dark green foliage with deep purple flowers and fruit. Rosa Bianca just doesn't seem to do well for me, as well as other traditional varieties.


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