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What are you thankful for? I22gcj10What are you thankful for? 14dhcg10

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What are you thankful for?

llama momma
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Post  Triciasgarden 11/27/2013, 1:44 pm

I know I am a day early for our United States celebration of Thanksgiving but I wanted to post what I was thankful for and let others of our sfg family do the same.  You don't have to live in the U.S. to post, this can be our very own sfg thankfulness post!

I am thankful for my sisters, my children and grand children.  My oldest son and his wife had a baby girl about two months ago but that was mixed with some sadness.  Her twin brother stopped growing and passed away when they were about 16 weeks gestation.  That was so hard to deal with and it was scary if this would affect his living sister.  But she was thankfully born healthy and beautiful!.

Yesterday my second son and his wife had their third son four weeks early and what a blessing for mom to have him early!  Another healthy and beautiful boy!

I now have 15 grand children, four were gifts when one of my daughters married her husband.  She has another baby on the way due in April.

My younger daughter will be having a baby in June.

Tomorrow will be Thanksgiving at my oldest daughter's home.  I don't have to cook but I will miss it!

I am also thankful for my wonderful harvest this year!  I did have some losses but had way more success!

I am also thankful for my friends on this forum--you have kept my spirits up when I have gotten discouraged and helped with any problems I had!  You have inspired me to keep going with my gardening, compost making, and putting up and away my garden vegetables!  I would not have accomplished what I did without your help and encouragement.  I hope you all have a great day tomorrow whether you celebrate Thanksgiving or not!

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Post  plantoid 11/27/2013, 3:10 pm

Waking up every morning ..... Laughing 
Everything else is a bonus.

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Post  sanderson 11/27/2013, 4:31 pm

I'm thankful for the usual blessings:  Belief in God, living in the US, my family, new grandson, new great grand daughter, reasonable health.

This year I am thankful for finding a passion in SFG.  I was at loss as to what to do.  I had retired, but lost my excellent part time job due to economics.  Then I watched after Mother as she declined into that awful place called dementia.  After her death and the legal matters settled, I felt a relief that she was in a safe place, but also a loss of purpose.

SFG and gardening in general is a learning curve.  I have always loved puttering in the yard.  There's research, learning, this Forum with you folks.  Amen


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Post  boffer 11/27/2013, 6:17 pm

Indoor plumbing.

The relatively good health of all my family members.  It's the first time in a long time that I've been able to say that.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.   What are you thankful for? Jturfi10

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Post  landarch 11/27/2013, 6:32 pm

My Maker, summer tomatoes, fresh cukes, my three year old garden helper.

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Post  landarch 11/27/2013, 6:46 pm

...and deviled eggs.

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Post  llama momma 11/28/2013, 4:40 am

plantoid wrote:Waking up every morning ..... Laughing 
Everything else is a bonus.
Plantoid, I once heard my priest use the same thought in his homily, you are both wise.

Tricia, nice topic. Some of the things I'm thankful for, my husband of 32 years Rick, faith, our health, adult kids that are traveling far to come home for the holidays, one makes the annual trip from Japan.  Also the little farm with the humble privilege caring for a piece of land, the animals, and the sfg's.
llama momma
llama momma

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Post  floyd1440 11/28/2013, 5:34 am

Family, friends, and all of God's blessing.

I am also very thankful for how our ancestors sacrificed for us to give us this great country we live in today...

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Post  herblover 11/28/2013, 6:58 am

I am thankful for my faith, family and friends; for my growing knowledge in gardening that helps me to provide good healthy food for us; and that for the first time in 5 years we have both been employed for the entire year.

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Post  SFGHQSTAFF 11/28/2013, 4:20 pm

Aside from all the wonderful things stated here, I would add that I am thankful for all of you. Because of you we have such a great forum and a powerful way to share this great concept called Square Foot Gardening. Thank you all for being our great big SFG family! Alan

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Post  Marc Iverson 11/28/2013, 4:34 pm

For my mother's starting to manage her grief over my father's passing a little better.

For my brother's finding a girlfriend in the process of his divorce.

For his divorce turning out to be amicable.

That it turns out my sister isn't going to go blind after all; at least not for a long time.

That the dogs are healthy and, for the most part, so are the relatives.

That my mother lives in a clean, safe, beautiful neighborhood with friendly neighbors.

That being devastatingly handsome doesn't preclude modesty, a sense of humor, and minty-fresh breath.

That I grew up in a family of readers.

That I continue to be curious about the world and look on lifelong learning as both joy and obligation.
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Post  CapeCoddess 11/28/2013, 4:50 pm

I'm so grateful and thankful daily that it's hard to pick one thing.  But this morning my friend and neighbor, Bob, stopped by with his dog, Flicka, as they usually do while out on their morning walk.  My dog, Chrissy, died about 5 yrs ago and Flicka is a spitting image of Chrissy, so I really enjoy their visits.  I realized after they left how thankful I am to all my neighbors who stop by with their dogs for me to fawn over BIG hug
and for the good conversation we have.

Bob also fixed my space heater while he was here. okay What a Face 


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Post  plantoid 11/28/2013, 6:36 pm

llama momma wrote:
plantoid wrote:Waking up every morning ..... Laughing 
Everything else is a bonus.
Plantoid, I once heard my priest use the same thought in his homily, you are both wise.

Tricia, nice topic. Some of the things I'm thankful for, my husband of 32 years Rick, faith, our health, adult kids that are traveling far to come home for the holidays, one makes the annual trip from Japan.  Also the little farm with the humble privilege caring for a piece of land, the animals, and the sfg's.
I'm sure he was 100% more religious than me ......  that's for sure . Wink 

 When I put up the comment I didn't realize it was "  Thanksgiving day " sort of  time for you guy's & gal's of USA origins.  So I offer you all my sincerest hopes & wishes  that you all had a good ,calm, happy ,enjoyable & reflective  day.

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Post  sanderson 11/29/2013, 3:45 pm

CC,  That was touching reply.  My DH is the Bob of a single 78 year old woman.  I'm glad I have him to share   He hopes that if I ever need help, someone will do the same for me.

Plantoid, Thank you for your Thanksgiving wishes.

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Post  Triciasgarden 11/29/2013, 8:29 pm

Wonderful of you all to share!  I had a hard time reading just a short way through because of the tears in my eyes with the wonderful thoughts and feelings you have all shared!

How about if we keep this going for a while and anyone else who would like to post, please feel free to!  It doesn't have to be just geared for Thanksgiving in the U.S. or any holiday!

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Post  greatgranny 11/30/2013, 12:40 am

Grateful for all of the blessings that the Lord has bestowed upon my family.  

Recently my 42 year old daughter had a heart attack.  Getting a phone call at 3:00 a.m. tells me that something is not going to be good news.  On my way to the hospital I punched the CD button and the strains of music blessed me beyond belief.  It was an album by Selah.  The song that was playing was "It is Well With My Soul".  The rest of the album helped me to finish the 50 mile trip safely.  When I arrived, my daughter was out of surgery already and wide awake.  What a blessed site.  Yes, she is having to be very careful and yes, she will have to change her lifestyle a bit so that the heart has a chance to heal.  

Yesterday I was blessed when I was surrounded by 5 of my 6 children, 7 of my 10 grandchildren, 5 great grandchildren and numerous spouses.

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Post  sanderson 11/30/2013, 1:19 am

You are blessed.

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Post  jimmy cee 11/30/2013, 9:30 am

Among all the other blessings I have unworthily acquired.
I am extremely thankful for finding this SFG program.
A book purchased about 3 years ago sat on a shelf, not being read.
One night last winter when I could not fall asleep, I selected it and started reading it, almost read the entire book,
however sleep did finally win over.
Many reasons for loving this SFG, among them is I feel like I've grown into a new family.
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