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garden start up

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garden start up Empty garden start up

Post  2SooCrew 9/21/2013, 1:07 pm


I live in Northern Michigan -

I'm preparing my SFG for the Spring - Should I go ahead and get my Mel's mix and put it in my 6 SFG's or keep all the mixes in their bags and wait until Spring?

I'm also putting my SFG's in my hoop house so I can start the planting early Smile
(Hoop House is 10 X 20 )

2Soo Crew

Posts : 51
Join date : 2013-09-12
Location : Northern Michigan - near Canadian border - brrrr

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Post  Windsor.Parker 9/21/2013, 4:03 pm

2SooCrew wrote:...Should I go ahead and get my Mel's mix and put it in my 6 SFG's or keep all the mixes in their bags and wait until Spring?
2Soo Crew
Start now.
Get a strong tarp and scrounge up some 5gal buckets or large plastic bags to store your blend until you are ready to use it. If the filled buckets/bags are kept out of the elements, your mix'll be warmer in Spring. That should help you get a jump on the growing season, too!
glad you\'re here to the forum and good luck!

Male Posts : 376
Join date : 2011-12-12
Age : 77
Location : Chicago, South Shore, c. 100yds to Lake Michigan, Zone 6a

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garden start up Empty Re: garden start up

Post  sanderson 9/21/2013, 4:16 pm

First year SFG-er here.  I don't think it matters.  After all, think of others who have to clean the beds of summer / fall plants, replenish with new compost and bed down for the winter.  You can cover the beds over winter to keep out weed seeds.  Some use plastic tarps held down with bricks, cinder blocks, zip ties, etc.

If you are excited to do something (and we newbies are always excited about the next step!!  bounce ), go ahead and fill the beds and be ready for the spring.  Just add another scoop of compost in the spring before you set out your seedlings.

Maybe others will have a different idea.

I see WP has replied.  I have my extra stockpiled Mix in lidded 33 gallon rolling garbage cans for protected storage.  Smaller amounts go in 5 gallon buckets with plastic protection.  My only concern with putting all of it in protected containers over winter is that you won't really have an idea if you have made enough for all the boxes.  I would go ahead and fill at least one box so you have a better measure of how much it really takes.  Then you can buy more ingredients now at your leisure if you don't have enough Mix for all the beds.



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Post  camprn 9/21/2013, 4:35 pm

Another alternative is to make it all now. You could even plant garlic this fall. If you chose to do this, it would free up a lot of your spring time garden chores. Additionally it will allow the Mel's mix to settle and then you can add more compost in the spring, which your garden will love.


43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


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garden start up Empty Re: garden start up

Post  2SooCrew 9/21/2013, 4:44 pm

Thank you !

I am getting the Mel's Mix - and the hubby is building the 6 SFG's - Smile a winning combo...Smile- very exciting stuff as it is very cold up here today and not much sun.

More answers to my question are on page 112 and 113 - plus Ch. 9

I need to read more Smile

Posts : 51
Join date : 2013-09-12
Location : Northern Michigan - near Canadian border - brrrr

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