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What is eating my Kale? Toplef10What is eating my Kale? 1zd3ho10

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What is eating my Kale?

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What is eating my Kale? Empty What is eating my Kale?

Post  jjocsak 7/3/2013, 5:43 am

It seems like only my Dyno kale is affected.
Something is attached on the back of the leaves and seems to eat right through.

Any ideas?

What is eating my Kale? IMG_0307-L
What is eating my Kale? IMG_0310-L
What is eating my Kale? IMG_0312-L



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What is eating my Kale? Empty Re: What is eating my Kale?

Post  CapeCoddess 7/4/2013, 9:41 am

I'm not knowledgeable about it but could it be flea beetles?

I just found a cabbage worm in my kale this morning despite covering all season with tulle. I think the butterfly got in when I had it uncovered to weed and went inside for lunch one day a while back.

Boy, it doesn't take 'em long! Evil or Very Mad 


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What is eating my Kale? Empty Re: What is eating my Kale?

Post  camprn 7/4/2013, 10:40 am

Looks like a combination of maybe flea beetle and slug damage. To trap slugs, lay a small board down in the garden. The next day turn it over and collect the slugs. To trap flea beetles away from other things, plant radis. They love radish foliage.


43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


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What is eating my Kale? Empty Re: What is eating my Kale?

Post  walshevak 7/4/2013, 11:01 am

CapeCoddess wrote:I'm not knowledgeable about it but could it be flea beetles?  

I just found a cabbage worm in my kale this morning despite covering all season with tulle.  I think the butterfly got in when I had it uncovered to weed and went inside for lunch one day a while back.

Boy, it doesn't take 'em long! Evil or Very Mad 


 +1 on my collards.   Almost never uncovered them but my collards look like lace in spite of tulle plus BT powder early last week.  I found 2 "white butterflies" inside the tulle yesterday.  We have been having a lot of rain since last Fri and that was the first day I did a close check on things. Chased out the  butterflies, smashed at least 4 egg clusters and smashed at least a  dozen caterpillars.  Went out and bought some BT liquid.   Early this morning I found more caterpillars so I sprayed with BT.  The centers are still alive and will come back, but no summer collards for a while.  The chard in the same bed was not touched, but I sprayed it anyway.  Then went and carefully checked my kale in another bed.  It was not touched but again I gave it a good BT spraying. Then I sprayed the lower stems of all the squash.  Knock wood, no sign of SVB yet.  

Lesson learned - even if everything  is covered in tulle, check it out more often.  

I wanted to spay the entire garden with neem this morning, but the bumble bees were already out by the time I finished the above.  Didn't even get to spray the squash leaves with BT.   Will try late this evening.  Not having any honey bees, I've had to rely on the bumble bees.  They look so funny lumbering around loaded down with pollen.



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