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cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ? Toplef10cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ? 1zd3ho10

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cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ? I22gcj10cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ? 14dhcg10


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cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ? Toplef10cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ? 1zd3ho10

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cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ? I22gcj10cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ? 14dhcg10

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cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ?

jimmy cee
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cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ? Empty cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ?

Post  jimmy cee 4/7/2013, 3:08 pm

Can someone tell me how many cubic feet are in a 5 gallon bucket ?
I am going to use it as a measuring device, cannot find the correct formula.
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ? Empty Re: cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ?

Post  Lindacol 4/7/2013, 3:25 pm

jimmy cee wrote:Can someone tell me how many cubic feet are in a 5 gallon bucket ?
I am going to use it as a measuring device, cannot find the correct formula.


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cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ? Empty Re: cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ?

Post  westx 4/7/2013, 3:29 pm

The correct formula is, 3.1416 * Radius * Radius * Height

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cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ? Empty Re: cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ?

Post  quiltbea 4/7/2013, 3:31 pm

The simple answer is about 1 cubic foot.

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cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ? Empty Re: cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ?

Post  jimmy cee 4/7/2013, 3:46 pm

I LOVEEEEE simple Very Happy
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ? Empty 0.668 cu/ft in a 5 gallon bucket

Post  xbox 4/7/2013, 3:56 pm

0.668 cu/ft in a 5 gallon bucket

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cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ? Empty Re: cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ?

Post  donnainzone5 4/7/2013, 4:20 pm

Knowing that volume has made measuring ingredients for MM much simpler!

For example, if I have six composts to mix, I need a 1/2 bucket of each, or in other words, 3 five-gallon buckets to make two cubic feet.

1.5 buckets more, and I have three cubic feet.

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cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ? Empty Re: cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ?

Post  batmap 6/30/2013, 11:02 pm

xbox wrote:0.668 cu/ft in a 5 gallon bucket

 This is the correct answer. ref: metric-conversions(dot)org/volume

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cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ? Empty Re: cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ?

Post  donnainzone5 7/1/2013, 11:14 am

3 x .668 = 2.004 (cubic feet). Therefore, 12 five-gallon buckets make 8 cubic feet (rounded off).

To simplify mattes further, one needs 4 pails each of coarse vermiculite, peat moss, and at least 5 composts for each 4'x4' x 6" box.

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cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ? Empty Easy Measure

Post  docguy 10/11/2013, 3:20 pm

1 five gal bucket = 2/3 cu ft.
4 five gal bucket = 2-2/3 cu ft.
4 one gal buckets each of 5 different composts = 2-2/3 cu ft.
12 five gal buckets = 8 cu ft.   

Sooo, Mix 4 one gal buckets of each of your composts first.  Then add 5 five gal buckets of vermiculite and 5 five gal buckets of peat moss .  Mix well.  (I want to wet the peat moss before I add to mix so it doesn't settle as much).  = Mel's Mix.  Worm casting added later as additive. 

For TTSFG, use one gal bucket to transfer mix to SFG.  (wet mix gets mighty heavy)

Hugh (docguy)

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cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ? Empty Re: cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ?

Post  plantoid 10/11/2013, 5:51 pm

westx wrote:The correct formula is, 3.1416 * Radius * Radius * Height
So long as the sides are a parallel cylinder, it gets a bit more interesting with a tapered wall bucket .Embarassed

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cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ? Empty correction

Post  docguy 10/11/2013, 7:39 pm

docguy wrote:Hi,
1 five gal bucket = 2/3 cu ft.
4 five gal bucket = 2-2/3 cu ft.
4 one gal buckets each of 5 different composts = 2-2/3 cu ft.
12 five gal buckets = 8 cu ft.   

Sooo, Mix 4 one gal buckets of each of your composts first.  Then add 5 five gal buckets of vermiculite and 5 five gal buckets of peat moss .  Mix well.  (I want to wet the peat moss before I add to mix so it doesn't settle as much).  = Mel's Mix.  Worm casting added later as additive. 

For TTSFG, use one gal bucket to transfer mix to SFG.  (wet mix gets mighty heavy)

Hugh (docguy)
The explanation SHOULD have read:

Add 4 five gallon buckets of vermiculite and four 5 gallon buckets of peat moss .  Sorry.

Hugh (docguy)

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cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ? Empty Re: cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ?

Post  bwaynef 10/13/2013, 12:27 am


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cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ? Empty Re: cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket ?

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