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How do you read/use the sfg forum?

Odd Duck
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Post  boffer 4/19/2010, 3:46 pm

As the forum gets bigger, it's not as easy for newcomers to find their way around. I would like to write-up a 'how-to' for their benefit.

I'd like to hear how you navigate the forum, what do you look at first, what features help the most, is there a best/worst time of day, keeping track of interesting threads. etc. In your profile, under the preferences tab, are there items that you prefer to be turned on or off, and why? Under the 'information' tab, would you recommend putting in a general location that shows up under your avatar?

What can you suggest for a newcomer to do that makes using the forum as easy and as fun as possible to read and participate in?


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Post  Odd Duck 4/19/2010, 3:58 pm

One thing I miss from other forums is a "view first unread post" button that takes you straight to the first post that wasn't there when you last viewed a thread. This is usually available somewhere on the header bar that's visible after you open a thread.

I would also prefer to be able to set preferences on whether or not I "subscribe" to a thread. I know that I can click "don't follow" when I post, but I forget. If I want to follow, I would rather have to specifically click that choice than have to click something with every post I make to say "don't follow".

Is there any way to set up preferences on how long you are in the forums before they are automatically marked "read"? I often get on the forum, but may get interrupted and by the time I get back to it, everything is marked as "no new posts" even if I haven't actually read it.

Odd Duck

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Post  nancy 4/19/2010, 4:06 pm

I can't really say as to how to make it "better" for a newbie. I think I joined shortly after the switch and have been learning along with the growth.

However, here's how I use the forums. First I go to the bottom of the "Latest Topics" to my left and work my way up. If I still have time and am not ready to leave, I check the "View posts since your last visit". And if I'm still not ready to leave, I'll check the gallery for new pics. It took me a while to figure out that the the albums are alphabetical, so it takes me a minute to scan for new picture postings. And by then, someone has posted something new on the "Latest Topics". Yea!

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Post  Wyldflower 4/19/2010, 4:16 pm

Sharon... Doesn't the "View
posts since last visit
" option (at the top of the forums just below the date and time) help with that? That's the function that I use most frequently.

I do have a little trouble with the search, though. I may not be using it correctly, but I type in a term, such as "banana" (I was looking for comments about banana peppers) and I get "No
topics or posts met your search criteria".... this has happened a couple of times.

I do frequently go to the main webpage from the button at the top of the forums.

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Post  Wyldflower 4/19/2010, 4:21 pm

Oh... maybe now is the time for me to make a suggestion:

We all have the option to put our location in our Profile information. I'd like to strongly suggest that everyone enter their location and their zone. If we're in our regional forums, it doesn't matter quite as much, but in posts to the general forums sometimes I get a little forgetful of who is where.

(And yes, I read ALL the regionals, since I use the "view posts since last visit')

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Post  boffer 4/19/2010, 4:30 pm

nancy wrote:I can't really say as to how to make it "better" for a newbie. I think I joined shortly after the switch and have been learning along with the growth.

Thanks Nancy, we're all learning with the growth, and this is also a good opportunity to share so we all might learn something new. In summary, you:

1. start at the bottom of the Latest Topics list
2. view posts since last visit (only available on the index page)
How do you read/use the sfg forum? Sincel10

3. look at gallery (personal albums are in alphabetical order, public galleries can be sorted 5 different ways, at the bottom of the page.)

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Post  organicgardeningzen.com 4/19/2010, 4:38 pm

@Wyldflower - good idea to put Zone in our profiles. I just added mine!

@boffer - I LOVE the "Latest Topics" menu on the left of this forum, and that's what I use the most. I didn't even notice the "view topics since last visit" link on the Forums page before I read this post, so that would definitely be one to put in your "New to the SFG Forums" How To :0)

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Post  boffer 4/19/2010, 4:41 pm

Wyldflower wrote:We all have the option to put our location in our Profile information. I'd like to strongly suggest that everyone enter their location and their zone.

Me too. Answering a question like 'how often to water' is going to be different for someone in Seattle rather than Phoenix.

Re: the search function. From what I've been able to learn, the search function only looks at topic titles.

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Post  boffer 4/19/2010, 4:47 pm

Odd Duck wrote:I would also prefer to be able to set preferences on whether or not I "subscribe" to a thread. I know that I can click "don't follow" when I post, but I forget. If I want to follow, I would rather have to specifically click that choice than have to click something with every post I make to say "don't follow".

I think this is what you're looking for: profile>preferences

How do you read/use the sfg forum? Prefer10

Then you'll find at the bottom of the last post in a thread:

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Post  boffer 4/19/2010, 5:08 pm

When I write the 'how-to', this is what I'm going to suggest new members set their preferences to. It let's a member take advantage of the forum features. If there's something they don't like, then turn an item off. I know that on some forum's my settings are the opposite of what's recommended. But we have a different group of folks here, and haven't had any problems or abuses to worry about.

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Post  boffer 4/19/2010, 5:38 pm

Odd Duck wrote:
Is there any way to set up preferences on how long you are in the forums before they are automatically marked "read"? I often get on the forum, but may get interrupted and by the time I get back to it, everything is marked as "no new posts" even if I haven't actually read it. Thanks,

I had to double check. No there's not. I assumed it happens when you log in and out.

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Post  Retired Member 1 4/19/2010, 5:44 pm

I use the "view posts since last visit" button first, and then when that times me out which it usually does (longer please?), I move over to the latest topics on the left. Obviously if I have a question or new post to begin I go to the appropriate sub-forum for that.

I think your idea for settings is spot on.
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Post  Retired Member 1 4/19/2010, 5:46 pm

boffer wrote:
Odd Duck wrote:
Is there any way to set up preferences on how long you are in the forums before they are automatically marked "read"? I often get on the forum, but may get interrupted and by the time I get back to it, everything is marked as "no new posts" even if I haven't actually read it. Thanks,

I had to double check. No there's not. I assumed it happens when you log in and out.

No, it doesn't. I'm not sure how long it is, but if I leave the computer for longer than just a few minutes it will reset itself even though I leave the program open. This doesn't happen on other forums I'm a member of -- as long as I don't log off the "new posts" stay up. Perhaps this is something Alan could change?
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Post  boffer 4/19/2010, 6:03 pm

belfrybat wrote: Perhaps this is something Alan could change?

I'll have you know that I'm the one that does the grunt work around this joint! happy banana

Last edited by boffer on 4/19/2010, 9:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post  Wyldflower 4/19/2010, 6:54 pm

boffer wrote:I'll have you know that I'm the one that does the grunt work around this joint! happy banana

... and we really REALLY appreciate all your work on the forums!

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Post  lizzo 4/19/2010, 9:55 pm

I like to use teh 'view posts since last visit' at the top of each forum

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Post  mckr3441 4/20/2010, 10:52 am

Wyldflower made a very good suggestion earlier in this thread. Can we ask people to please include their zone in their profile if not their city too. It would make it sooo much easier to relate to their questions.

When I come on to the site in the morning I usually check in this order, limited by time:

  1. PMs
  2. admin things
  3. Topics I'm watching
  4. N&C Midwest
  5. Latest topics
  6. Unanswered posts over two days old
  7. Portal
  8. Gallery

subsequent visits I check pms then pick up where I left off.

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