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Choosing what to grow - late start

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Choosing what to grow - late start Empty Choosing what to grow - late start

Post  mitaccio 4/16/2010, 4:06 pm

I know I am getting a late start on my SFG. We had to move it around as we worked on the backyard. I am planning on starting this weekend. I only have one square, don't know that I can afford to start a second right now. I am wondering what suggestions everyone has. I am unemployed and need to grow things that are heavy yield. I have bush lake beans, tomatos (not sure the variety), sugar snap peas and sweet corn. Any suggestions for the Salt Lake area would be great!

Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-04-16

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Choosing what to grow - late start Empty Re: Choosing what to grow - late start

Post  Wyldflower 4/16/2010, 5:07 pm

Although they take up a lot of space, you may want to consider good ol' reliable zucchini... maybe not in your box, but in a large-ish container? I have bits and pieces left of my trex composite boards, so I'm building two 1x2 boxes that I'll use for zucchini and yellow squash.

I'm a newbie, so I don't have much more to suggest, but I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on this, too.

Female Posts : 526
Join date : 2010-03-21
Age : 73
Location : Colorado Springs, CO Zone 5b

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Choosing what to grow - late start Empty Re: Choosing what to grow - late start

Post  Kabaju42 4/17/2010, 12:13 am

If you're in the Salt lake area, then don't worry you're not late at all. I just finished planting my cold weather seeds today. Here's what I have planted, that might give you some ideas.

-Lettuce (Romaine)
-Onion (we have red and green, but yellow stores better if you want the big harvest)
-Radish (may actually be to early for this, but I thought I'd give it a try anyway)

When it goes to the hot weather plants like tomatoes I like to go with the rule of thumb to plant on memorial day weekend, but if you already planted them just make sure they get covered if it frosts again. I'd also recommend the zucchini and cucumber. You can make both of them grow up a trellis.

Male Posts : 249
Join date : 2010-03-03
Location : Salt Lake City, UT

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Choosing what to grow - late start Empty Re: Choosing what to grow - late start

Post  organicgardeningzen.com 4/18/2010, 6:49 pm

I'm not a fan of growing corn. To me it seems like a slow yielding, space hogging crop that can be had for super cheap at roadside stands during harvest season. Since you are trying to save money, maybe consider growing some of the high cost veggies/fruits (bell peppers? cantaloupe?). Carrots, spinach and onions seem like handy high density crops to me too... Of course, it also depends on what you like to eat...oh -- and if you are into potatoes, I'm growing them in containers this year (easier, and take no space in my SFG).

Female Posts : 31
Join date : 2010-04-15
Age : 53
Location : Canuck in Salt Lake City (Zone 6b)


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