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Remember your local farms for compost materials Toplef10Remember your local farms for compost materials 1zd3ho10

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Remember your local farms for compost materials I22gcj10Remember your local farms for compost materials 14dhcg10


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Remember your local farms for compost materials Toplef10Remember your local farms for compost materials 1zd3ho10

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Remember your local farms for compost materials I22gcj10Remember your local farms for compost materials 14dhcg10

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Remember your local farms for compost materials

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Remember your local farms for compost materials Empty Remember your local farms for compost materials

Post  llama momma 8/26/2012, 12:42 pm

This might be a good idea for everyone -
I went to my local commercial fruit and vegetable farm yesterday, people were shucking corn into barrels and I'm thinking what great compost material....found out they dump the stuff out back and I was allowed to take all the shuckings I wanted. Came home with boxes (they provided) of the stuff for the compost pile. Maybe 40 pounds of it. I don't know what it was possibly sprayed with, but its going into a compost pile for next Spring so I'm hoping any undesirables will either be leached or composted out of it by then.
llama momma
llama momma

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Remember your local farms for compost materials Empty Re: Remember your local farms for compost materials

Post  landarch 8/26/2012, 10:12 pm

grocery stores too

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Remember your local farms for compost materials Empty Re: Remember your local farms for compost materials

Post  llama momma 8/26/2012, 10:14 pm

I didn't have any luck with my local Kroger's, they said they weren't allowed to give it away. Rolling Eyes
llama momma
llama momma

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Remember your local farms for compost materials Empty Re: Remember your local farms for compost materials

Post  landarch 8/27/2012, 9:28 am

I've got the same response when asking my local Hyvee about old fruit and veggies...they don't want to be responsible for someone using old produce for food after they give it away. I haven't actually asked about the corn husks...seems like a perfect set up as they are typically already in a big trash bag right in the store. They'll probably say no but it's worth asking around.

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Remember your local farms for compost materials Empty Re: Remember your local farms for compost materials

Post  Kelejan 8/27/2012, 10:16 am

landarch wrote:I've got the same response when asking my local Hyvee about old fruit and veggies...they don't want to be responsible for someone using old produce for food after they give it away. I haven't actually asked about the corn husks...seems like a perfect set up as they are typically already in a big trash bag right in the store. They'll probably say no but it's worth asking around.

Perhaps the old food could be shredded so that it could not be used for food, only for composting? I know, someone would have to do the work and I am sure it is easier for them just to dump the old produce.
For a year I was able to get stuff from our local supermarket then they told me they could no longer do it due to health regulations. My local Starbucks also said no to used coffee grounds, but that was because they are located in our local Safeway. Very frustrating.

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Remember your local farms for compost materials Empty Re: Remember your local farms for compost materials

Post  CapeCoddess 8/27/2012, 10:29 am

How about the local health food stores? At least that way you know it's all organic. We have Mom & Pop ones in my area and we used to get boxes of unsaleable produce. But then the owners started to garden so the free bees stopped.


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Remember your local farms for compost materials Empty Re: Remember your local farms for compost materials

Post  plantoid 8/27/2012, 11:35 am

For those of you seeking free waste veg from shops etc . pre prepare for it in duplicate by making up a professional looking script on decent paper that runs along the lines :-

Acceptance of agreed conditions for obtaining veg waste and a disclaimer notice .

I " Fred bloggs " undertake to only use the waste veg matter for use in my garden compost and relieve " The Acme veg company " of any liabilities on my part that they feel they may have for this use .
It will not be used for animal or human consumption nor sold on under any circumstances , it will be soley used by me as part of my vegetable waste home composting hobby and the resultant compost will only be used on my garden beds.

Signed F Bloggs dated 26 august 20012.

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