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My garden is doing very good Toplef10My garden is doing very good 1zd3ho10

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My garden is doing very good I22gcj10My garden is doing very good 14dhcg10

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My garden is doing very good

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My garden is doing very good Empty My garden is doing very good

Post  Triciasgarden 6/22/2012, 10:30 pm

Ok, some is doing very good. Today I harvested my third batch of broccoli, mostly side shoots but one main head that was tiny comparatively speaking with the other main heads. I planted 24 plants and didn't lose any. The earwigs that had infested most of my beds did not damage the broccoli much.

I picked three baby zucchini a few days ago because I was anxious. Yesterday I picked one that was almost 12" long and sliced it up and shared with the family. I know I am talking excessively (sorry) about the earwigs but they were so excessive! I think I easily killed 800-1,000 with the oil trick! I don't like to change the balance too much by trying to eradicate all of them but there are still some beds where I move the straw during the day and they run! Back to the zucchini, the leaves were munched something awful but my plants decided to hold on while I did my fight and they put out some new leaves, some blooms and some zucchini! I'm so proud of them!

My crookneck squash plant almost bit the dust but is spunky and putting out new leaves also! My potatoes' leaves on one whole 6' side of their bed has had major damage! Hopefully they will have enough good leaves to survive. The rest of the bed is not as bad. I don't know what is going on underground though. I was able to grow and harvest some lettuce and a teeny bit of spinach before they were eaten. My carrots that I had in two different beds were munched. I am close to harvesting a handful of peas. One of my corns sent out a tassel and they haven't been munched. They aren't very tall yet and I think it was because I planted the seeds too early and it was colder and they were slow growing then. I lost about 8 bean plants (they were eaten), the rest are getting some new growth. I have two cantaloupe plants being trained up a trellis and are getting flowers. My mildly hot peppers have flowers and some peppers beginning to grow. My bell peppers are doing well. My tomatoes got a later start so they are still small.

I have two different types of onions and they are still small but growing. I have a second bed of corn and it came up quite quickly and is growing well, that is why I think the first bed was planted too early.

I just found out my next door neighbor is overrun with earwigs also! We did have a mild winter so I am thinking that is why there are so many. I planted marigolds and zinnias in the Spring and they were getting eaten bad. I lost about three marigold plants and a few zinnias. I found out the earwigs love them. Now though the marigolds are big, the flowers are beautiful. The zinnias will take longer to recover.

I have lots of squares that I can plant in for the Summer but I wanted to get the earwigs under better control first. One whole bed I am leery of planting anything new in because that was the bed where the cats used it as a litter box. The first day I was digging up the bed by hand I dug out at least 25 poops. I dug out at least 20 more over time. I have some things growing in it but I am debating whether I should just replace the soil. Any suggestions!

Female Posts : 1633
Join date : 2010-06-04
Age : 69
Location : Northern Utah

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My garden is doing very good Empty Re: My garden is doing very good

Post  cheyannarach 6/23/2012, 11:45 am

Good update, bad kitty. So far I have lucked out, the cats use the sand box and not the gardens... sorry kids. I hate earwigs that is one bug that will give me nightmares affraid .

Female Posts : 2035
Join date : 2012-03-21
Location : Custer, SD

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