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How long can you keep seeds? How do keep them? Toplef10How long can you keep seeds? How do keep them? 1zd3ho10

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How long can you keep seeds? How do keep them? I22gcj10How long can you keep seeds? How do keep them? 14dhcg10


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How long can you keep seeds? How do keep them? Toplef10How long can you keep seeds? How do keep them? 1zd3ho10

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How long can you keep seeds? How do keep them? I22gcj10How long can you keep seeds? How do keep them? 14dhcg10

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How long can you keep seeds? How do keep them?

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How long can you keep seeds? How do keep them? Empty How long can you keep seeds? How do keep them?

Post  AvaDGardner 2/17/2012, 7:23 pm

I have a lot of old seeds.

I read last night on the forum (but can't find the post) that someone was using seeds that were 5 years old.

Is there a special way to keep them? A special way to prepare them for storage?

Is there something special to do to activate them when you go to use them?

When I have an extremely delicious something, I will keep behind seeds, and let them dry. I have a variety of things done this way - bell peppers, hot peppers, tomatoes.

Mel talks about soaking seeds (new ones) before using them...I mentioned this to another gardener, and she said 'some you soak, some you don't.' Okay...which? How do you know?

I have tried planting purchased seeds (flowers & veggies) many, many times in different media, and had ZERO success unless it was a bean or a pea.

I did plant a few 'self saved seeds' on the 10th (no soaking). I have a calendar notification to check them on the 24th. Our days are warm (65-70), and I hope to see something!

I'm going to plant some more this weekend. They will be purchased ones.

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How long can you keep seeds? How do keep them? Empty Re: How long can you keep seeds? How do keep them?

Post  sfg4uKim 2/17/2012, 7:32 pm

Hi Ava!

Storing seeds is found on pages 117-118 and Presoaking starts on page 121 of the ANSFG book.


I have seen women looking at jewelry ads with a misty eye and one hand resting on the heart, and I only know what they're feeling because that's how I read the seed catalogs in January - Barbara Kingsolver - Animal, Vegetable, Miracle

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How long can you keep seeds? How do keep them? Empty Here's a list

Post  quiltbea 2/17/2012, 8:13 pm

Try this site for list of life expectancy for seeds......


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How long can you keep seeds? How do keep them? Empty Here is how to test them

Post  BillOcala 2/17/2012, 8:50 pm

You can "test" or pre-start the seeds. I have done it it really works...

Whoops, this board will not let me post links so you will have to google it yourself: "pre-germiminate-vegetable-seeds "

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